I am so irritated with all of the Covid restrictions here. It seems like new regulations for food businesses are sent out every week. Trying to keep up and make it a place people still want to come. Very frustrating. I need a vacation. I live in South Florida, almost anywhere I want to go will require a 14 day self-quarantine. I only need a week away from all the stress & I’ll be good. 14 day quarantine won’t work. Trying to find ways to make money from home in case the business owner where I work just throws up her hands & says “I’m done!”
Looking on Etsy for ideas. I have a lot of things I would like to make to sell on there, but when I look for similar items, they only have about 100 sales since they put the items up. I need something quick that a lot of people are looking for, at least that is what hubby says. I’d rather make what I want to make, but my taste is not even close to what is popular 🙁 Now I’m going through, trying to find something I can make that will sell. Needlework and crochet aren’t that popular. Maybe my Cosplay armor stuff will sell, but it takes time to make it. I want to start making money from home soon.
Hubby has been looking into RVing. If we are going to make money from home, we might as well see the country while we do it. His business has always been from home, but I’ve been working outside the home for over 10 years now. He is getting social security, and his usual income, but I need to add to the mix.
He has moved on from RVs to Skoolies. Skoolies are school buses that have been converted to live in. You can put everything where you want it, as opposed to RVs which are already made plan. We’re looking into it, I’ll let you know.
I am on track with my Halloween costume. Half the pieces have been made with only minor finishing points. The other half is ready to cut out and ready to be textured and painted. Exciting, I think it is going to be cool