Moving right along 🙂
Cherie is moving away in May, her last day at work is the end of April. I’ve got to get moving to make sure I get this finished so she can take it with her!
I keep losing my pattern, and even though it is on the web, sometimes it isn’t as convenient. The phone times out while I am stitching, and while that doesn’t seem so bad, it can be when you are stitching. I have to put down the project, pick up the phone, put my index finger on the back, set it back down, and find my spot in the stitching again. It isn’t as complicated for this project, but for my more intricate projects it is much easier to lose my place 🙁
Because of the phone timing out, and my knack of misplacing objects (pattern) I stitched one image on each of the pieces. This gives me a template to follow that I CANNOT misplace! So far it is working well, except for the 10 piece. My template isn’t finished yet because it is the last one to make a single for, so I started doing the whole thing instead. I should have made a template, because I had most of the fins and tails (did I mention it is a fish?) stitched across the top row when I realized that I had miscounted in the first one. I added an extra space between the fins and the tail. Since I added it to the first, I added it to the rest as well, which made the last one not fit. Also since it was the first one, that meant that I had to tear the whole thing out! Anyway I got it figured out eventually and am making progress.
My plan is to finish stitching all the images, then add the white to the background on all of them. When I get done that, I will do the backgrounds of the number and word sides. When finishing each piece, I will attach it to the appropriate images, then I’ll be done! Not too bad, hmmm?