I have a lot of patterns for Halloween and Christmas crafts, here is one of my old pins that I found. I need a better background, I think the purple background detracts from the image.
Category: Crafting
Lucky Day
Since St Patrick’s Day is around the corner, I decided to make a shamrock. It looks great, and it was so quick and easy I was surprised. I need to get a better picture before I post it on Etsy, it looks a little blurry to me. Still, you get the idea 🙂
Jingle and Ladybug
I finished these quite a while ago, but just found them again. I thought I would include them here 🙂
It seems that I missed posting the amazing turtle ornament I made. It looks great, and as usual lately, it was sold almost as soon as I finished it.
I finally finished the pineapple ornament! It is already sold 🙂 Instead of making 2 of each ornament, I guess I need to plan to make 3. 2 for Etsy, and 1 for whoever decides to buy it before I finish! I got a magnetic sheet to experiment with. I am going to try using…
Hot Stuff
Finished the Hot Stuff ornament 🙂 Looks great, and it’s already sold?! I was working on it at work and a regular customer came in and asked what I was doing, I showed him and he asked what I was going to do with it. I said I planned to put it on Etsy to…
A New Journey
I’ve started a new journey! OK, it’s part of a current journey, but I’ve added a dimension to it. 🙂 I’ve made my first Instagram post featuring one of my crafts. I’m going to start selling on Etsy, and I’m using Instagram to try and get some followers first. There is a link in the…
More Ornaments
I have been working on more ornaments. I want to have some to put on Etsy for Christmas, but I have trouble getting myself to work on them. I’d rather read 🙂 Unfortunately, excessive reading is usually one of the symptoms of my depression coming on. Reading is fine but reading to the exclusion of…
I started making a pinecone ornament. I always show what I am working on to my friend Nathalie. She works a few stores down from my work, and I stop to talk on my way home. I showed her the pinecone, and she fell in love. I have sold my second ornament and haven’t even…
Magic Kitty
I have made quite a few of these, I love them so much, but I always lose it or give it away. Now I’ve made another. I need to make one more for the store. This type of project is so quick to make. If I actually work on them I can make them quickly…