I am getting more and more back to normal. Getting more done on my to-do list gradually. Trying to get back in the habit of blogging at least weekly again.
Haven’t gotten to the post office yet, going to try tomorrow. Sorry Mom!!
Working on more crafting, I have 2 ornaments in progress. I will post pics in the crafting-ornaments section. I may give one of them to a co-worker for Christmas because she loved it when she was me working on it. I love to give presents. Finding the right present for the right person is a good feeling. Whenever I find something that makes a person’s name pop into my head, I usually get it for them. No matter what time of year it is, I usually end up giving it to them immediately. It makes me feel good, so I’m going to keep doing it
Exercising again, having equipment difficulties lately. I will post about that in the exercise section today, too.
I did some more scanning of my crafting books today. The book I am doing is huge and has about 8 sections of different types of needlework. I can only scan 25 pages at a time with the app I am using. Not too bad, but some sections are over 100 pages long. That’s a lot of scanning and I was getting overwhelmed. I wouldn’t let myself do any other scanning until I finished with the book, but I couldn’t make myself do it. I am having trouble with the tablet I am using to scan as well. It is an older model and doesn’t have much memory. Sometimes I am in the middle of scanning a section, and the tablet says it’s done, and deletes the pages I had just scanned. Frustrating!!
Update: She loved the ornament, another coworker got jealous, so I gave him one of his choice for Christmas, too. He chose the turtle. I need to check and see if I have posted a picture on here anywhere