Finished most of the armor for the torso. I have both pieces cut out, textured, painted. Today I added the D-rings and the extra ring to attach the shoulders. The big rings will join the 2 pieces at the shoulder without me trying to glue & shape them. Now I just have to add the…
Same old, same old. Rob & I are still healthy and making plans. Work is still up in the air. Votes have been mailed. Still get lots of doggy love at work 🙂 Weight is being maintained, and I’m not really trying, just working out and eating only when I feel like it. Headaches are…
Same old, same old. Masks, social distancing, politicians worrying more about their image than actually helping. The politicians are driving me crazy. On a national level, they seem to be middle schoolers. Blaming each other for everything, not doing things because the other one wants to do it. On a state and county level here…
Wow, it’s been a while since I updated. I am slack on taking pictures, too. I have a month to finish so that I can wear it on Halloween. I have gotten the material. Not quite what I was looking for, but over half the cost. I cut out the pattern yesterday. Just the pattern,…
Skoolie Ideas
I bet you are wondering what a skoolie is. I certainly did when my hubby brought it up. A Skoolie is a school bus converted to a living space. Very similar to an RV, but the interior is set up to your specifications, and can be changed if you don’t like it. You do it…
I am so irritated with all of the Covid restrictions here. It seems like new regulations for food businesses are sent out every week. Trying to keep up and make it a place people still want to come. Very frustrating. I need a vacation. I live in South Florida, almost anywhere I want to go…
My Cosplay beginning
My hubby suggested that I try this because I like being crafty. This is something to do outside, because trying to do my needlework or crochet outside is almost impossible because of the heat and humidity here. I went to the library to see what I could find and I picked up a few books…
Cosplay attaching pieces
I have been trying to decide how to keep my armor in place without having to hold each piece on 🙂 has a beginner’s book on making costumes that helped me realize that I could actually do this! The Costume Making Guide has been so helpful, and I remembered seeing a way to attach…
Cosplay cloak
I’ve been thinking about putting all the pieces together. I think I need a bodysuit, and a cloak. Hubby thinks I just need a leotard. Wrong!! First of all, it is supposed to be armor so why would I want skin showing. Second, how am I going to get the parts to stay on my…
Cosplay Thighs
I have the thigh pieces and bracers cut out, just have to start smoothing edges and texturing. I was starting to freak out because Halloween is in October! This is the end of August, there is just September in between! Only a month to get it done! Total freak out!!! After a week or so…