Waiting for my wood/foam burning tool. Says it’s out for delivery. Cut out the pieces for my helmet today. Need to work on my blade sharpening skills, the knife isn’t cutting as easily as it should. Got my burning tool tonight! I’ll play with it tomorrow.
Cosplay 3
Did some playing with my rotary sander today. Only played on scrap foam, didn’t work with my helmet pieces. I will play with my burning kit tomorrow, unless it rains. Got my heat gun, I’m all set. Just need lots of practice!!! Probably going to need more foam, too. I need to look around more…
Exercise – 9Round
Been doing a lot of core work this week and my lower back is killing me! JP from 9Round kickboxing has me doing sit up during the intervals. I don’t think I’ve written about this yet. 9Round kickboxing is basically circuit training with a trainer. There are 9 stations and you do 3 minutes at…
Cosplay Beginnings
Hubby got me a sanding tool to use for smoothing the foam seams. I’m excited to play with it tomorrow! I got the sander, but it rained all day, so I didn’t get to work on it. My first project is a basic mask/muzzle. I only had foam, contact cement, sand paper and an exacto…
June 16 Exercise
I did the Terrain Race, a lot more upper body strength needed! Swinging from bar to bar, climbing ropes, flipping tractor tires, etc. Need more pushups! The Shamrock Run in March was canceled due to Covid. They had it virtually last month, so I still got my medal! In addition to doing the kickboxing, hubby…
Getting back into the habit
As you can tell, I got out of the habit of posting. I am going to get that habit back. I have started new journeys, and I need to journal my journeys 🙂 My mudrun/workout journey is still going on. I started kickboxing at 9Round, and it is so much fun! I get to hit…
December 21
I’ve been away from this, and away from myself for a while. I am back now, and feeling somewhat better. I’ve signed up for the Terrain Race on February 8th, Glow 5K in May, and just finished the Jingle Bell Jog last weekend. I’m still working out, Rob got me running shoes, so I am…
October 26
I did it!! I went to the Mud Factor and I did all the obstacles! I didn’t go around one, and only need a little help on one. I had a goal to complete all the obstacles. I am so proud of myself. I had so much fun that I am going to do another…
October 25
Ok, I am injured, I am achy, I am sore, but I am doing that run tomorrow!!!!!!!!
October 24
Decided to skip bootcamp today so I won’t be too sore to do the Mud Factor. Rob & I went for a walk around the beach area to look at places we may want to move into, making a list for next year. While we were heading back to the car, I tripped on a…