I either try to look at my patterns on my phone, or print them out. I have not really gotten in the habit of using my phone, and it can be really hard to keep track of where I am in the pattern. My Aunt Sharon was using some kind of magnets to keep her place on printed patterns, so I started looking for one.
The first one I ordered wasn’t quite what I was looking for. It had the right dimensions 8 1/2 x 11
But it folded up and if I am in the middle section, the magnets moved. Not quite it
I kept looking, but couldn’t find the one that felt right. I realized that I was going to have to think out of the box. I use magnetic white boards to keep notes on all the time, why not use one of them? Hmmmm, how am I going to carry this around without the magnets or the paper moving?
Hubby took apart one of my boards, leaving the metal sheet attached to the cardboard and I glued it to one side of an old folder. I used the magnets from the small board I bought, put the instructions in the pocket on the facing side, and I have a pattern keeper.
I put my imagination to work and now I am thinking I can make a more secure folder out of the foam that I use for cosplay. We’ll see how that works out, I have to do some thinking and researching. I’ll let you know 🙂